Overview: 3D Printing and Its Impact

Abstract In today’s world of mechanical engineering, the applications of 3D printing are huge. Hence, they are very useful for research and development of various components ranging from simple structures used in everyday life too complicated components in aerospace applications. 3D printing provides many advantages few are simplicity, reliability, and precision, etc. Furthermore, let’s go…

Categories 3D Printers News

3D Printed Beer Bottles Makeover And Its Cool!

If your weekends are always spent partying either at home chilling or at a pub. If Beer is your favorite drink along with a passion for 3D Printing. When you go to a bar you order your drinks maybe soft drinks or hard drinks. As a result, get high and enjoy the moments. But do you…

Categories 3D Printers

Can you 3D print a 3D printer?

3D printers can pretty much print just about anything. It’s even possible to 3D print your very own gummy candy now. So it only makes sense that we should be able to 3D print a 3D printer itself, right? Well, the answer’s a bit more complicated than a simple yes or no. But let’s take…

5 Common Mistakes To Avoid when 3D printing models

We all know that designing and printing a 3d model is not an easy task. 3d printing involves different stages and processes of designing and printing. 3d designers use different software, different print in materials and printers, and sometimes most of them using a different printing technology suited to the product or item they’re printing. So…