Recycling 3D filament- Plastic Waste

3D Printing is becoming more sensitive to plastic pollution that is created while printing the objects.  To overcome this thing we need to do the recycling of 3D filament from waste plastic and failed 3D prints. The biggest environmental issue. What comes along with 3D Printing is the leftover plastic filament or spool after printing…

Categories 3D Printers News

3D Printed Beer Bottles Makeover And Its Cool!

If your weekends are always spent partying either at home chilling or at a pub. If Beer is your favorite drink along with a passion for 3D Printing. When you go to a bar you order your drinks maybe soft drinks or hard drinks. As a result, get high and enjoy the moments. But do you…

Categories 3D Printed Models

Top 5 Artistic Uses of 3D Printing! Its Amazing

Exploring new technologies in 3D Printing is something that enthusiasts and businesses are looking up to. Every great artist is adding some creativity and newness to the 3D Printing field. Artistic uses 3D printing are amazing and creative that inspires people to learn 3D printing. List of top artistic uses 3D printing The below workpieces…

Categories 3D Printed Models

Best 3D Rendering Software you need to have…

Rendering involves giving life to your 3D designs. By adding the simulation of shadows, realistic lighting,  atmosphere, texture, color, and optical effects. So, such as the refraction of light or motion-blur scene on moving objects – or the rendering might not be realistic at all. And could be designed to appear as a painting or abstract…