A Swedish designer by the name of Erik Melldahl has teamed with BMW to introduce a 3D-printed concept vehicle named Maasaica. The name is stemming from Latin word for one kind of lion in Kenya. Although the car couldn’t come into our life in a couple of years. But the most important thing is that the used material comes from degradable biomaterials. It is so fantastic that we can not only own such a cool vehicle but also contribute to the environmental protection.
“Imagine a third industrial revolution where sustainable energy and manufacturing set the standards for production. Maasaica is a concept from BMW which is locally built in Serengeti using 3D printing technology, degradable materials and traditional handcraft,” expained Melldahl.
Maasaica’s main body is the mixture of mycelium mushroom and herb, that is completely degradable. The 3D-print technology can combine all the material in just a few days to become a firm and light body;then a real car with other components. The main power of the engine is from solar panels.
(from tiangongshe)