We love exploring the latest 3D printing technologies as such, Geeetech visited Formnext 2024 to stay up to date and learn more about the innovative solutions and methods leading to some of the top 3D printers being launched, insight into 3D printing in general, as well as more specific details related to 3d printer settings, filament and more.
What Is Formnext?
Formnext 2024 was held in Frankfurt, Germany, and offered us unique insights into the world of 3D printing. More than 30.000 guests and visitors perused many different stalls and booths displaying their products or techniques, allowing for discussion and learning during the 3-day long expo for all things 3D printing related.
This year we saw that they were focusing on stability and expanding previously established patterns and 3D printing service solutions to increase the efficiency and improve the output quality as much as possible. But of course, there were also many new items and products on display as well such as FDM printers and more.
Some Upgrades of Desktop 3D Printers
We also saw some interesting upgrades in the desktop 3D printer scene, where a couple of manufacturers really stood out to us with their latest innovative inventions.
Bigger and Faster Multicolor 3D Printers
In the space of multicolor printing, we saw an advanced desktop printer using the CoreXY systems, which can achieve great speeds, while also providing up to four different types of filament all joined in the same central hub. For now, the size would still be classified as a desktop printer, which is good news in terms of price once it has finished the development stage.
Active Chamber Temperature Control
We also saw somewhat of a surprise in the form of an enclosed CoreXY printer that comes with active chamber control as the big selling point. While the model was not fully ready for production yet, it allowed for quite a large overall print size of up to 250 x 220 x 270 mm. And the quality of the prints we saw looked really promising so we are eagerly awaiting more news of the actual market launch.
If you are looking for the best 3D printer for beginners to get started right away, you might be interested in our very own Geeetech Mizar M model. This is one of the best hobby 3D printer solutions out there right now, offering cheap 3D printing and excellent quality prints.
As a low-cost desktop printer, Mizar M’s features are competitive with comparable printers in the market. Now, let’s see what the features of Mizar M are:
- Dual extruder: It comes with a dual extruder print head for multicolor prints and has a dual Z-axis setup that makes your prints look amazing and smooth.
- Large printer volume: Compared to other 3D printers on the market at the same price, the overall print dimensions are also quite favorable. The Mizar M allows you to print designs up to 255 x 255 x 260 mm, among the best dimensions for a standard desktop printer.
- Silent printing: Mizar M has a 32-bit silenced motherboard which results in a quiet printing environment that will not wake up your neighbors or annoy you while working on other projects in your home.
- High print accuracy: Mizar M has a +/- 0.1mm accuracy, resulting in very precise models that closely resemble your 3D model. And its layers’ thickness is between 0.1 and 0.2 millimeters, resulting in a very fine surface once the complete print has been produced.
- Compatible with multiple materials filament: Geeetech printer Mizar M supports PLA, ABS and PETG to name a few, making it a versatile option that can produce both outdoor and indoor prints.
Sustainability of 3D Printing Materials
Another key part of the Formnext 2024 exhibition was highlighting the sustainability compared to alternative methods for printing. Here we saw different 3D printing materials made of different types of sustainable 3D printer filament that makes the printing process extremely eco-friendly.
We also witnessed an interesting invention that used a new type of extrusion system designed to work with recycled filament to cut down on the overall waste of the 3D printer process.
This design has made it possible to reuse old prints and discarded strings of filament, by processing the filament and material that would otherwise be wasted and producing very fine results. We are excited to see how this technology will develop in the future, and whether it will be something every 3D printer will come equipped with once the principles and practical application have been perfected.
Large-Format Printers
One interesting machine showcased was a large 3D printer with a 6-axis robotic arm of 2.8 meters, but not only that, the raised platform bed has another 2-axis, making it possible to create some truly stunning and smooth 3D prints with ease. And the dimensions of the printer allow for a scale that most hobby printers can only dream of.
Another big 3D printer we saw up close was one that takes vat photopolymerization and stereolithography to a new level. Typically these types of printers are reserved for smaller prints, but this model provided us with an example that has 3 lasers in an overlapping arrangement making it possible to 3D print somewhat narrow but very long pieces with precision and speed.
There were quite a few other large-format printers on display of equal interest, leading us to conclude many of the manufacturing companies of these 3D printers are aiming to obtain market shares for large-scale production with a focus on speed, automation and efficient production yields.
3D-Printing Human Tissue Models
We also witnessed a somewhat unexpected type of 3D printing material that gave us a unique experience in the form of a medical type of printing material called a bioink, that can 3D print human tissue models.
We already knew of this invention due to previous innovations regarding stem cell printing, and now the technology has advanced further with additive manufacturing that can produce hundreds of tissues in a single day. There have already been successful results with printing brain and spinal cord tissues, and even skin, leading us excited for where this technology can end up in the near future combined with advanced 3D models.