
The 3D Printed Ceiling

The 3D Printed Ceiling

  It seems that you are living beneath the ocean. When I first saw the picture.

  Architect Bryan Allen and artist Stephanie Allen of the Oakland, California based architectural design firm, Smith/Allen, have created a stunning, 3D printed lighted ceiling installation titled Liminal Mass for an oceanfront home in Bolinas, California. The 4 ½ x 8’ piece, which changes from opaque to translucent throughout the day and night, seems to ebb and flow like the ocean just outside of the expansive windows of the house’s living room. Smith and Allen shared photos and instructions for making the piece on their Instructables page, including relating the challenges of 3D printing such a massive work. For more details, check out the full article: http://3dprint.com/39016/liminal-mass-installation/

liminal-mass-main-1024x661With the development of 3D printing technology, I  believe that we will be able to print an entire house with wonderful decoration.




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