A10T Print Stopping

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A10T Print Stopping

Post by mt690ju » Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:15 am

I received the A10T today and assembled it with no problems and printed the "Dog" test file and got excellent results. So I sliced a 3 color faced cube in Cure 4.6.1 with a retraction of 9mm, Print Acceleration's to 1000, Print Jerk's to 10, and disabled Retract at Layer Change, Print Speed 40mm/sec. Print was going well with no stringing and the color changes were purging well with my 35mm purge tower with 60mm3 volume. But each time it was going from the model to the purge tower it would pause for a few seconds on the model and leave a small drop. I never noticed the printer stopping on my A10M with the "Lizard" so I compared the two codes in Repetier Host and found two command lines prior to the hot end moving to the purge tower in my file sliced by Cura: M105 (Report Temp) and M109 (Wait for Hot End Temp) These commands were not in the Geeetech sample file. So I removed all lines with these two commands and the pausing stopped and the print time reduced by 30 minutes for a 2.5 hour print.

I also set up a fourth virtual extruder in the start G-code which was a 33/33/34 mix. I used this for the infill for the cube. This helps keep all the extruders busy most of the time so that I don't end up cooking one of the colors in the hot end. Works fine so far.

If anyone knows where to kill these two commands in Cura (M105 and M109) please respond.
After G Code Mods
Cube.jpg (301.22 KiB) Viewed 12531 times

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