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Re: Rostock 301 can't printing--

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:26 am
by Admin
barker wrote:
Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:17 am
I am new to this forum and unfortunate owner of a 301 Mix for 2 months and ... no printing
I'm struggling with Geetech because my first problem is this:
All the connectors are well connected, I heat the nozzle to 200 ° C and then no extruder does not want to turn to drive the wire.
I think their cabling has a problem but I do not understand anything
For information, when I disconnect the engine E0 (the one with the termistor etc) and I reconnect it, I feel that the engine "is loading" while it should not
At voltmeter, the red wire with the blue is at -12 V, the black with the blue is at +12 V.
Do you have an idea ? because geetech, even more worth trying to contact them they are 0 !!!
Thank you.

You need to post in the correct section.
I'm moving it.

Re: Rostock 301 can't printing--

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:29 am
by William
1.You need to check the mixer setting
2.If you think the wires are not correct,pls attach the photos
3.Swap the A4988 of E0 and E1 then you can test it works or not