Help with Geeetech i3 pro b Acrylic edition.

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Help with Geeetech i3 pro b Acrylic edition.

Post by naofomi » Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:07 pm

I recently got an acrylic Geeetech i3 pro b, i built it using the instructions and YouTube tutorials, and for the most part it works, however the z-axis constantly provides trouble. I manually adjust the z-axis so that its perfectly level, i use a spirit level to check and i measure the distance from the base to the beginning of the pole for the extruder to move along, i know they're at the same level so shouldn't have issues moving. Sometimes it works, it moves up and down the full length with no issue, i can home it several times then occasionally somewhat randomly it fails, one side moves and the other stepper motor just makes noise Speed Test and does not move, despite working a few moments prior. I'm really confused as to whats going wrong, does anyone have any suggestions to make sure everything is perfectly inline with one another? could it be the x-axis poles not being perfect? Any help is super appreciated.

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