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Amarnath Mandir Jyotirlinga

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 1:06 am
by Pradeep7900
Shri Amarnath Cave Temple is famous for Amarnath Jyotirlinga which naturally formed the Shivlinga in the form of melting ice on the roof and floor of the den. Shiva Lingam – the main attraction of Yatra Stalagmit is formed due to the precipitation and freezing of water droplets of the den, which grow vertically until they reach the roof of the cave from the floor. The eldest is considered the Shivlingam, and the other two little ones are considered Mata Parvati and their son Lord Ganesha. In addition to the main lingam, three other formations representing the lesser lingams are worshiped as Lord Ganesha and Goddess Parvati and Bhairava. It is considered an important part of the Hindu religious system and is considered one of the sacred shrines. Thousands of devotees from all over the country come here to see this. They believe that watching this naturally formed shiv linga is like watching Mahadev in real. And they also believe that by watching Amarnath Mandir Jyotirling and visiting this mandir we get freedom from all our sin.