Prusa i3 B Layers inconsistent

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Prusa i3 B Layers inconsistent

Post by vassago » Sat Jan 20, 2018 7:46 pm

Hi everyone..

here the problems of another noob (espically concerning the software and configuration, please bear with me if i can´t give you further information or need to ask stupid questions :) )

this week i received my Prusa i3 B, i build it, had a few issues because i did a mistake in wiring XYZ Endstop Indicators and read through many boards.

Last night for the first time i was able able to clear all problems and started my first print with the following setup:
- Marlin Arduino 1.0.1 to change the config, using the default for prusa i3 which the software had included
- Software: Repertier Host connected via usb (prints started via USB either)
- Filament: PLA with 1,75 diameter
- Extruder 205° C., Bed 60°C.

It looked pretty good in the beginning, i started with a simple 40x40 cube where the first layers layed pretty over each other.
After half the layers it started to print the layers not as consistent as before and in the end the upper part of the cube was not very stable (nor was it pretty to watch).

Since them i changed a bit on the settings, reduced the speed, tried from 190-210 °C., changed the layer height and things like that, but the second and third object looks nearly the same.

The difference to the first one: the second part of my second print started with "bad" layers and later (smaller parts of the object which where printed slower by the printer itself, not by me configuring) looked better.. i will attach a few photos and a video.

If anyone could give me a hint on which parameters i need to play with or what i could change i would be very happy about it..
One thing that confuses me is that if you have a look at the cube or at the straight part in Object 2 it works perfect for some layers, others look terrible..:)

Many thanks in advance

Picture of the first print: ... _30_53.jpg

Pictures during process of second print: ... _30_48.jpg ... _44_25.jpg

Video of the second print:

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Re: Prusa i3 B Layers inconsistent

Post by William » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:00 pm

I want to know which slicing software you are using now.
If you can tell me the details, I can help you. :D
-Keep your mind and try to test it. :)
-Everything will be fun!-Support all Getech printer.
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Re: Prusa i3 B Layers inconsistent

Post by redangel1984 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:57 pm

The same here. Upload the slicing details, or simply the gcode wich you are trying to print.
I can run it on my printer(wich is the same as yours) and then we can start with the troubleshooting).
Send the *.gcode file so that we can simply exclude slicing problems.

Does the extruder clicks when there is inconsistency in the print?
Can you push filament through the extruder manually? Is the manual extrusion consistent?

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Re: Prusa i3 B Layers inconsistent

Post by vassago » Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:27 pm

Hi William,

thanks for your reply..

i was using the internal slicer from pronterface (sorry, i apparently forgot to mention that).

During weekend a friend of mine gave me the hint to give it a try with cura.
Downloaded it, didn´t change any of the default settings (except setting the desired printer to prusa i3) and the prints look really awesome..

I was 'satisfied' with the very first result in pronterface (because i thought there would still be a big difference between a cheap and a much more expensive printer) but i was wondering why it got worse even during the print, after having seen the results of my prints with cura i can´t believe that this 'cheap' printer is able to deliever such a great outcome.

The topic can be closed,
maybe i did do some changes in pronterface (or its slicer) that i dont remember which affected the results really bad, everything cool now with cura.

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Re: Prusa i3 B Layers inconsistent

Post by vassago » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:37 pm

Thanks to both of you for your replys..

Apparently my last response from this morning was not posted (even though i am sure i pressed the submit button).
Until Friday i was using the internal slicer of Pronterface.

On the weekend a friend of mine gave me the hint to use cura as slicer, so i downloaded it, installed it, used default settings and printed an object.
and what a surpise, everything looked much better (even though i thought the beginning of my first print was looking good).
I was very suprised how good the quality of this 'cheap' printer can be and i realized how bad my first print really did look :)

everything is fine now, anyway:
Thank you very much for your help :)

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