I need to keep increasing HotEnd Temp

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I need to keep increasing HotEnd Temp

Post by SerpentWarrior » Sat Jun 23, 2018 8:40 am

Hello All,
I just got my A30 and this is my first 3D printer with bowden tube setup. I am not sure what is going on and would like some recommendations.

I've been able to print a lot of test pieces and the printer was doing well. Then the bowden motor start skipping and pla started to extrude less. So I removed the filament and tried again and it seemed to work. Later I started having the same issue and this time I decided to raise the temperature from 210 to 215 and that seemed to work. On the next print I had to raise the temperature to 220 or the feeder mechanism would start skipping again. Finally, On my next print I had to set the temperature from 220 to 225. I keep having this problem and not sure if there is a sensor that is wrong or some other electronic piece or if the hotend is clogged. If I wait a little I can manually push the filament through but and it flows well but then feels like it gets hard to push and stops- like the filament is not melted yet.

Any ideas?


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