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Easy Print findings

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 7:50 pm
by Percy
Hi I have tried this program before and it don't work! So I tried again a month later. It still doesn't work!
If you click on settings it opens but the bottom half of the screen is missing so you cant press/click the buttons to accept or reject.
If you click on printer then comport it sais my comport is set to one! Yet when you go to connect it sais comport 25 does not exist?
Go to control only half of it shows.
I am running windows 10. I think this program is designed for an old version of windows and running in a different screen resolution! You would think Geeetech would realise people normally upgrade their machines and don't live in the past!
I hope some one reads this and comes up with some answers

Re: Easy Print findings

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:41 pm
by Pannekoek
I have also problems with Easy Print.
After installation of the program it seem to work fine. I could connect to Prusa M201 via com port 4.
But the next day this did not work again. No com port was indicated with the printer and I could not connect to the printer.
I also work with windows 10.
Can some body help me with this problem?

Re: Easy Print findings

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:48 pm
by Pannekoek
I have solved this problem by reinstalling the virtual com port driver.