Stepper divers and motors not working correctly

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Stepper divers and motors not working correctly

Post by PrntNg » Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:53 am

I have had my prusa i3 printer working, changing to the Rambo board need to change the wiring configuration. no using the GT2560 again changing the wiring configuration back to normal.
No motor move, like low power movement as when the drivers do not have enough voltage.
Can not adjust the drivers beyond outputting 0.23 volts. I know it has to be between 0.8-1.2v .

Any ideas how to fix the not responding brand new stepper drivers to output the correct amount of voltage?
what the wiring configuration for the prusa i3 is at the board and at the motor as what you wire it as from the board?

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Re: Stepper divers and motors not working correctly

Post by William » Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:36 am

Hi,Firstly,the stepper drivers seem to have some problems ,and you can get a new one to verify;
Secondly,you can find the wiring of this board in the following link:
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Re: Stepper divers and motors not working correctly

Post by PrntNg » Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:20 pm

I have sorted this problem and posted it online. Sort the problem need to work from the beginning. Starting by making sure the power supply was out putting the right amount of voltage as I had done all the other settings. The power supply was not outputting the correct voltage. Thanks for the update The link you stated was for The Rambo board yet I was enquiring about the GT2560 board. I also have a Rambo board, I assume the it must be the same problem with that as I can not seem to get the 24V power supply I purchased to work at 24V output the most it outputs is 18 volts will have to purchase the 36V and expect it to out put 24V. I know what I am doing, it's just that everything has it's own problem and there is always a solution from someone who may have sorted it previously.

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