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Serial Interface IIC I2C TWI 2004 204 20x4 Char LCD Dis

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:04 pm
by dandlion1
I'm having trouble getting this display to work. I am using it with an Arduino Uno and an Arduino Duemillenova with the same result. I have loaded a "Hello World" test Sketch. The unit displays two rows of block characters (all pixels on) on the first and third rows. The backlight will blink once briefly, then go out.

Can you provide a sample Arduino sketch for this module?

Re: Serial Interface IIC I2C TWI 2004 204 20x4 Char LCD Dis

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:00 am
by techsupport
Hi dandlion1
Convenient we solve your problem faster, I need know some information of you use lcd.
for example:the pictures how to connect and The firmware download success LCD display images.
Thank you for your support.

Re: Serial Interface IIC I2C TWI 2004 204 20x4 Char LCD Dis

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:26 am
by dandlion1
I don't have picture. I have checked connections. They are OK.
Please just send sample Arduino Sketch.

Re: Serial Interface IIC I2C TWI 2004 204 20x4 Char LCD Dis

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:25 pm
by techsupport
This is a kind of test method, you can refer to the following actions.
Open Arduino1.0.1 or other
select File->Examples->LiquidCrystal_I2C->Hellowoard
select Tools->Board->Arduino Duemilanove w/ ATmega328
select Tools->Serial Port->COMx
Done uploading, then connect UNO and 1602.
GND<->GND 5V<->VCC A4<->SDA A5<->SCL
Insert the jumper cap on the I2C pin.
You can adjust the potentiometer of blue and press the reset button