Problem with motherboard and display

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Problem with motherboard and display

Post by RobertoZampatti » Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:50 pm

Les consult a failure it happens to me.
The machine worked perfectly, turn it off and then lubricate the bearings moving the axes with the machine turned off, when the flip on, electronics stopped working, and the only thing you see on the display two lines of black characters.
To test, disconnect motors, limit switches, remove the 4 4988 and leave only the display connected and the problem remains the same.
The machine is a Geeetech Prusa I3 x 3D
I ask my guide where you can be the problem.
Thank you.

Les consulto una falla que me sucede.
La maquina funcionaba perfectamente, la apague y luego de lubricar los rodamientos moviendo los ejes con la maquina apagada, cuando la vuelvo a encender, la electronica dejo de funcionar, y lo unico que se ve en el display dos lineas de caracteres negros.
Para probar, desconecte los motores, los finales de carrera, retire los 4 4988 y deje unicamente conectado el display y el problema sigue igual.
La maquina es una Geeetech Prusa I3 x 3D
Les solicito me orienten por donde puede estar el problema.
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Re: Problem with motherboard and display

Post by Mark » Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:03 pm

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