GPRS/GSM SIM900 Shield board text receive

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GPRS/GSM SIM900 Shield board text receive

Post by time4tech » Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:28 am

Sirs, having read the wiki regarding receiving texts, the code does not appear to be complete or out of date. Please could someone explain how to read a text using the Uno without flow control? It would appear that the Sim900 does have RTS/CTS but that is not brought out for use by the Arduino. The attempted reading of a text therefore results in the full message details being put into the SoftwareSerial buffer which is 64 only chars long.

A typical text message begins
+CMGR: "REC UNREAD","+999999999999","","15/05/04,13:33:01+04","text message from here..."

There are about 61 chars before you even get to the actual text message. The length of the SoftwareSerial Rx buffer can't be simply extended without eating too much ram. So please could someone explain how we can read a full text message using the Uno without changing the default SoftwareSerial Rx buffer length.

The code i use to issue read sms is:
GPRS.print("AT+CMGR="); // read SMS message
GPRS.println(g_SMS_index); // message index AT+CMGR=1-10
delay(500); // wait

Many thanks.

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