home dual extruder

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home dual extruder

Post by mga » Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:56 pm

I put everything and are now in the phase of setting. I am not clear how the steps are described in the manual.
I set the bed. I set repetier host. I entered the values ​​as described.
If I press the Home button on the bottom left the behavior is abnormal and two aces in the top flap, while one is still two or three centimeters before the maximum position. With manual controls move correctly axes, then the engines respond correctly. From here on, I can not understand anything. I do not understand the way it has to assign a gcode to move the head. I should be able to define the precise points and somehow assign coordinate differences compared to the values ​​entered. But we do not talk. Should I put the head in the middle of the bed and say to the printer that that position is the starting point for printing. I should be able to assign a delta between the plane and the nozzle when intervenes endstop vertical. I do not understand instead the sequence of steps. I can hardly even follow them to the letter because they tell me to do continuous measurements without telling me how and how to make changes (if not, what sense does it measure?)
They would be useful simple instructions for each step in this phase which is the most important and delicate.

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Joined: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:19 am

Re: home dual extruder

Post by Mark » Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:04 pm

maybe you should contact the seller to help you out. And give us some vedios about the weird behaviours of your printer.

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