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Z axis dropping when shutting down

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:27 pm
by Thegrinch
My A30m z axis only drops from the left side when I shut it down. I have a motor on each side for the z axis rods. But only the left side motor drops after it shuts off. Also if I don’t use the printer for like a minute it the left z axis motors drops by it self a little.
When I start to print again or level it. It goes to level it’s self and needs to recalibrate both z axis and i can tell the left side hits first by a lot.
How can I fix this ?

Re: Z axis dropping when shutting down

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:18 am
by William
Hi,if you have 3d touch installed, you can try to calibrate it.

Re: Z axis dropping when shutting down

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 7:18 pm
by Thegrinch
I had one but it broke somehow when my was printing.
I am about to order one right now.
But still why does the left side z axis drops when I shut down the printer ?
Or sometimes if I don’t do nothing it will just drop a little bit.
Just one side does it. It’s weird

Re: Z axis dropping when shutting down

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 9:08 am
by William
Hi,You can check if the z-axis is loose.

Re: Z axis dropping when shutting down

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 6:30 pm
by Thegrinch
The z axis is tight and it’s the motor it self. The left motor turning a little bit while it shuts off.
Should I just flash the software ??