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Pay for technical assistance.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:54 pm
by blakilox
Geeetech Can I pay for Techncal Help on this?
What I need is for the Easyprint3D to include support for the A20M, I do guess this will happen eventually, I guess the product is a little premature
Most every person who gets a A20M product will be looking for this

Re: Pay for technical assistance.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:45 am
by Lexan
better use slic3r p.e. or cura

Re: Pay for technical assistance.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:10 pm
by davesatu
Agree. Much better to keep it simple when printing. Why add extra layers of complexity when it is hard enough already with the basics. Just use the SD card.

Re: Pay for technical assistance.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:13 pm
by blakilox
Everything started working after ArdwinoIDE released a new version, from there Marlin would compile without errors and I was then able to sent up the Marlin changes for 3D Touch and to reduce the Baud rate to Windows Max 115200
From there (As the Geeetech Software doesn't yet support or work with the A20M) I got myself Easy3D Software, ($200 I didn't want to spend) Despite its promises this by no means made it Easy, that Easily ads like 100 more Extra complexities that can go wrong
I am still learning and printing Crumbling stringy bark like crap, 2 weeks later, this printer is certainly not for the Beginner. At the Moment my Extrusions seem too fine, have changed the Nozzle (Thankyou Geeetech for including a spare, well done!) Same Same, spent 30 hours on this problem on my weekend, not much improvement, and god help me all I want to do is print one small prototype model,

Big Tip for new players, 2 reasons it wont adhere to the plate,
1,You have touched the plate with your fingers, use Isopropl Alcohol to clean the plate, it removes all the oils, Instant Huge Change, too good in fact
2, the Height of the Zero Point, needs to be very very close to the plate, be extremely accurate here, if you have 3D touch, you can set the Zero offset with the control knob/menu, and test this by moving the Z Stepper to zero, and use a piece of paper, at dead Zero the Paper is tight under the nozzle though still can be moved, I did mine when the bed was warm as I figure Thermal Expansion,

Once you get all that right, it adheres like a leech, and your models are invariably destroyed when trying to get them off the plate, well that's the next challenge, this is certainly a Challenging printer

I feel it would help new players a lot if Geeetech Software actually supported their own printer

Re: Pay for technical assistance.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 12:21 am
by William
blakilox wrote:
Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:13 pm
Everything started working after ArdwinoIDE released a new version, from there Marlin would compile without errors and I was then able to sent up the Marlin changes for 3D Touch and to reduce the Baud rate to Windows Max 115200
From there (As the Geeetech Software doesn't yet support or work with the A20M) I got myself Easy3D Software, ($200 I didn't want to spend) Despite its promises this by no means made it Easy, that Easily ads like 100 more Extra complexities that can go wrong
I am still learning and printing Crumbling stringy bark like crap, 2 weeks later, this printer is certainly not for the Beginner. At the Moment my Extrusions seem too fine, have changed the Nozzle (Thankyou Geeetech for including a spare, well done!) Same Same, spent 30 hours on this problem on my weekend, not much improvement, and god help me all I want to do is print one small prototype model,

Big Tip for new players, 2 reasons it wont adhere to the plate,
1,You have touched the plate with your fingers, use Isopropl Alcohol to clean the plate, it removes all the oils, Instant Huge Change, too good in fact
2, the Height of the Zero Point, needs to be very very close to the plate, be extremely accurate here, if you have 3D touch, you can set the Zero offset with the control knob/menu, and test this by moving the Z Stepper to zero, and use a piece of paper, at dead Zero the Paper is tight under the nozzle though still can be moved, I did mine when the bed was warm as I figure Thermal Expansion,

Once you get all that right, it adheres like a leech, and your models are invariably destroyed when trying to get them off the plate, well that's the next challenge, this is certainly a Challenging printer

I feel it would help new players a lot if Geeetech Software actually supported their own printer
I think the baud rate of A20M is 250000 :?

Re: Pay for technical assistance.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 2:51 am
by Lexan
not for some mac users