7 days left for the big Xmas sale, and the tentative list of first round specials are released today, check the list and see if your idea items are here.
Again, don’t forget to invite your friends to vote for you. OK, here is the list.
2,Rumba- the latest 3D printer controll board
5, Melzi V2.0
7, DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver
10, Metal Long-distance j-head V2.0 with cable & cooling fan
11, Metal long-distance J-head with cooling fan & Cartridge heater
12, Metal short-distance J-head with cooling fan & Cartridge heater
13,Metal long-distance J-head with Cartridge heater & PTFE tube
14,Assembled peek J-Head Hot End long-distance with cable
15,PTFE Tube for 1.75/3mm Filament
16, Reprap LCD12864
That’ s all, it is not settled yet, you can still vote for it.