The Smallest 3D-Printed Boat You’ve Ever Seen

You must be surprised when you see the iPhone 12 mini for the first time, which is literally tiny by contemporary standards. In the real world, we may think of a small thing as nothing more than a bean a grain of sand, or even a strand of hair. But you know what, scientists used a 3D printer to create a 3D Benchy boat, the length of which is 1/3 the thickness of a hair, 6 times larger than a bacterial cell.

Researchers used a scanning electron microscope to photograph the ship for the purpose of showing its open cabin, a chimney, and even a small porthole. What’s most impressive is that the entire model is very tiny, which means it’s even smaller than a statuet created by artist Jonty Hurwitz in 2014 as a potential design for creating a little drug delivery vehicle.

The researchers conducted investigations into small particles called microswimmers that can move through fluids, and be followed by a microscope. They created many structures, including a spiky sphere, a spiral, a trimer, a 3D Benchy boat, and so on. Research shows that particles created in a helix shape can go around and be efficient. 

“When it moves forward, often it needs to rotate, and that helps, for example, to speed it up.”Daniela Kraft, a physicist at the Dutch university, added that the small particle that goes to a particular part of the body to deliver drugs has to propel itself and may have to deal with the complex environment in the human body.

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