Categories News

Should we share 3D poison dart gun ?

A recent announcement by the US State Department has triggered a fresh wave of controversy surrounding 3D printed guns, online file sharing and the right to free speech, inciting maker and gun activist Peter Alaric DeSimone to 3D print and share the files for a .40 caliber poison dart airgun. The controversy truly began to heat…

Categories News

A 3D-printed hand, with other assistance equipments, costs only $250

  Nicolas Huchet lost his right hand and part of his right arm in a hydraulic press accident 12 years ago. As a result, he wears a myoprosthesis, an electronic hand and arm controlled by muscle sensors. He’s spent a lot of time and energy looking at every possible model, including RSLSteeper’s bebionic and Ottobock’s Michelangelo. These options…

Categories New arrival

Introducing GT2560

GT2560 is a compact board that is integrated with the mighty function of the Arduino Mega2560+Ultimaker. The GT2560 can not only take full place the Arduino Mega2560+Ultimaker on respect of both software and hardware but has more premium features: the streamlined interfaces effectively avoid the unnecessary troubles, well-regulated compaction of components highly integrated saves more…

Categories New arrival

Our new product—Iduino Yun Shield is on sale now

  Iduino_Yun_Shield, an extremely powerful development for Arduino board, is designed to solve the problems of connection and storage which exist in the Arduino board. Iduino_Yun_Shield runs Open Source OpenWrt System (Same system as runs in Arduino Yun) and it is fully compatible with Arduino IDE V1.5.4 or later versions. Yun Shield is an ideal…

Categories Tutorials

How to burn nor flash of 2440 with j-flash

Take qq2440 as example–Nor flash is AM291v160db (replace the type of flash: options/project settings/flash/select flash device. Install the jlink driver, connect and power it )              Open J-FLASH ARM.EXE (The default installation of the driver: C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLinkARM_V408l)        2. Open s3c2440_norflash.jflash, which has been configured.       3. Open the program that you are going to burn:     4.Program: (F7 for shortcut key)

Categories News

The 3D Printed Ceiling

  It seems that you are living beneath the ocean. When I first saw the picture.   Architect Bryan Allen and artist Stephanie Allen of the Oakland, California based architectural design firm, Smith/Allen, have created a stunning, 3D printed lighted ceiling installation titled Liminal Mass for an oceanfront home in Bolinas, California. The 4 ½ x 8’…

Categories News


After months hard work, in the begining of this new year, our new website is finally online today,  brand new look, new functions, new layout, brings new shopping experience. let’s take a glamps of our new shop. 1. First, as you can see, we changed our logo and our slogan.   2. Next, it is…