Your favorite memes can now be 3D printed!

Memes are everywhere! We love some, hate some and we’ve definitely considered 3d printing some as well. But for something as viral as memes, there aren’t many printing files available online. So if you’re a meme-lover like us and you’re looking to print(or buy) some cool memes then take a look below!

3D Print your own:

Thanks to 3D printing enthusiasts all over the world, we were able to find some interesting designs you can find on Thingiverse!

Ugandan Knuckles

Thanks to the world of VR chat, Ugandan Knuckles has become an internet sensation and we want our own! If you are still searching for da wae to print out this tiny figure then we have it here for you. Made by user ideawizard you can find the print files on Thingiverse here

Surprised Patrick

Thanks to designer Fargo3DPrinting, you can now print out Patrick and his iconic surprised face which went viral and led to some of the funniest memes! However, this gif remains our favorite:

You can find the design on Thingiverse, available here.

Deal with it Glasses

You may be cool but are you as cool as a doge wearing 8bit glasses? The famous “Deal With It” meme was so popular that people decided to design and print the glasses so that they too could wear it! And luckily, you can make your own pair to flaunt around thanks to designers on Thingiverse!

Created by Aubrey Ortiz, this design is easy to print and you can tweak the size a bit to adjust to the size of your head. Get it here.

Meme Faces

Your meme collection just isn’t complete without the famous meme faces that started off the whole meme trend in the first place. This troll face, for instance, created by Garrett Kearney is easy to print and you can follow the instructions here.

Buy your own:

If you can’t seem to find the STL files for your favorite meme or don’t have a 3D printer to make your own then Shapeways is the place for you. There are many more memes that you can find on Shapeways so if you’re looking to own a 3d printed version of your favorite meme then why not buy one? Here are some of the cool memes that you can find-


We all want our very own doge and if you’re willing to spend $20 then you can buy this cool model here. The detailing and precision by Ryan Kittleson on this doge had us blown! Amaze!

Grumpy Cat

Grumpy cat hates everything. Except for this 3D print. Because it’s so cool! And you can get yours here for $25!

You can find all these memes and much more on Shapeways here. Happy printing! 


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