Due to the advancements in 3D Printing and the future capabilities, we cannot limit our horizons to just print beauty products or houses or small intricate designs, it is also well establishing the food industry. It sounds a little dramatic but yes there do exist restaurants that use 3D Printers for making the dishes.There is no stopping to 3D Printing …
Let’s know what these Restaurants do offer:
- Food Ink Restaurant – LONDON
A Restaurant where everything is 3D Printed right from the dine out furniture to all the cutlery in the Kitchen and is the first 3D Printed restaurant in the world. When they had just opened, it was an exhibition space in the morning where people can visit and see 3D Printers printing food and try some 3D Printed snacks.
During the night hours, it would turn into a boutique restaurant, where 10 diners per sitting paid over £250 a head for a nine-course menu, printed during the meal while they watched.Antony Dobrzensky, Food Ink’s co-founder, and director explains his love towards science and wanted to connect it with the people.
There’s when he thought about 3D Printed food. He says,”I began exploring the idea of doing something with 3D printing that could connect to the public and I came to the conclusion that food, the universal language… was probably the best way to bring what is otherwise an exotic, intimidating, confusing subject to the mainstream.”
The restaurant also has VR systems and is almost full every time you walk in so book your seats first, also getting a ticket is quite hard. The restaurant focuses on futuristic developments in the 3D printing world.
2. La Boscana- SPAIN
Mateo Blanch the chef of the restaurant wants to bring creativity to the food he makes that’s what 3D printing helps him to achieve. He uses the FOCUS 3D Printer by Dutch manufacturer BYFLOW which is the first multi-material printer and is portable.
Mateo says “I am using the 3D printer in my restaurant and I like to use it in front of customers so that they can participate and see how I am making their food, and I’ve had really good feedback from my customers.”
3. Melisse Restaurant- Santa Monica
If you think there cannot be any creativity with the salty crouton on a salad or soup, then 3D printing comes right to your rescue, chef Josiah Citrin, the chef, and co-owner of Santa Monica-based restaurant Mélisse made this exclusive 3D Printed croutons.
The grand opening of the restaurant in Los Angeles had mostly to deal with all the 3D Printed delicacies and special guests. Josiah served a French Onion soup 3D printed onion powder cube in a bowl that dissolved as hot oxtail broth was poured over, as well as a 3D printed pumpkin and maple waffle cradling a quail egg. The printer used for preparing these mouth-watering dishes is ChefJet Pro and there were other chefs who used the 3D printer to there most for a perfect gourmet.
4. La Enoteca at Hotel Arts- BARCELONA
Chef Paco Parez of La Enoteca has shown that 3D Printing and a person’s creativity can deploy the intricate designs to food which are complicated to produce by hand.
He produces the complicated sea coral straight into the plate with the help of Foodini 3D Printer.Secondly, he places caviar, sea-urchins, hollandaise sauce, egg, and a “foam” of carrot on top of the design, by hand, transporting the end diner to the depths of the ocean both visually and on the palette.
A sleek fancy restaurant that supports 3D Printing to make there dishes beautiful and appealing , the chef and the owner Paco Parez say “Creativity is shaped by what technology can do.”
We are fascinated by the possibilities of 3D Printing in every industry and surely it is gonna make a revolution and ease our life-giving potential for our creativity. You can know more about 3D Printing, it’s applications and troubleshooting at our blog.
Credit: latimes.com,3dprinting.com,finedininglovers.com,youtube.com