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'ABC..' i3 M201

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:21 am
by P139Soul
Hello Everyone! I hope all of you are fine and health.

I wanna ask you many things about the 3D printer (GEEETech Prusa i3 M201).
A friend gived to me that printer some days ago, but I don't know how to use it ... So Can you help me with de 'ABC' of this printer?

1. The printer is armed but I don't know if something is missing.
2. Where can I get more filaments since I only have a little bit?
3. In which program can I design or do the test print?

Thanks for you attention and soon answer.

Re: 'ABC..' i3 M201

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 7:04 pm
by _kaktus_

read all information on this subforum.
You will find links to my private gallery.

ad 2.

At the moment, you should have no problem buying any type of filament worldwide.
For some time now I have been buying a filament locally, in my country. I am satisfied with its quality.

When you manage to buy a poor-quality branch you will encounter many problems.

ad 3.

There is a lot of news in this forum on this subject.
Just to remind you, my proposals:
  1. tinkercad (free web application - registration required)
  2. FreeCAD (excellent engineering program, open source)

I greet you very warmly.