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Do Not Use Slic3r With OneDrive

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 12:46 pm
by jgbrown54
Since I have multiple PCs and wanted them all to have access to my I3 Pro-B, I use Repetire Host along with the free Repetire Server. This works great for allowing multiple PCs to access the printer. Each PC can use it's own slicer. I use Slic3r. I thought it would be a good idea to have every PC access the same configuration files for Slic3r so I set the configuration folder for Slic3r to be on OneDrive. This started off working fine but over time if I accessed Slic3r on one PC and made changes and a few minutes later accessed it on another PC and made changes before the changes on the first PC were uploaded to OneDrive I would wind up with multiple configuration files in the configuration folder. I was working on making changes to eliminate some stringing and would make changes in Slic3r then slice a test file in Repetier. None of my changes seemed to have any affect on the stringing. I finally figured out that when I would go into Slic3r and make changes on a test file for Printing, come back to Repetire and slice it, that it was using a different file than the one I just changed even though the name was the same.

To fix this, I just used a network location for the Slic3r default config files instead of using OneDrive which had to sync through the internet.